Friday, August 28, 2009

H.E.B. Riding Style and a Play-Date

I decided that since Jackson was doing such a good job of sitting up that I would be brave and have him take a ride in H.E.B. the grown up style. I admit I was a little overzealous seeing as he cant really sit on his own truly yet. Due to side falling and not being able to push himself back up! Well anyways, the pictures say it all:

Wait, Im supposed to sit like this???
So this is what the grocery store looks
I think I prefer being laid out, thank you very much. Nice try though mom.
So as you can see, it started okay but he ended up liking the last pictures grocery cart style the best. I think it was somewhere between the cheese and deli meat I realized, I cannot efficiently shop with him like this...and it was somewhere in between the beans and rice that I realized when I turned my back he could lean over to the side and put the metal of the grocery cart in his mouth AGHHHHHH!!! Yeah I kinda freaked over that, wiped out his mouth with him laughing and smiling at me and am now watching like an eagle for any deformities to occur bc of grocery cart germs! So far, no extra foot or tongue..whew!

Today we had a playdate over at Kristen's house with her adorable little one Cassidy. There were 9 other girls there with their babies and toddlers. Maranda brought Jake and Lori brought Grant. There were mostly babies around Jackson's age. We attempted a few pics:

Here is the first, all are happy and content!
Not everyone so content, but had to include this;
check out my son next to Cassidy (in yellow).
His dad would be proud, he was totally sticking his hand up her shirt,
mom...not proud so much. ;)
Jackson and Cassidy holding hands. Awwww!
The VERY cool ball with noise and rattles in it had all the kids interested.
Jackson and Grant, still interested in the ball!
Today has been good so far. He is waking up from his nap now so off I go. Courtney is about to stop by with the little bean in her belly. Aiden is due in the beginning of the year!We are going to my niece, Isabella's jumping party tomorrow, YAY! Have a great weekend!


  1. Jackson is going to have to be a little more suave than putting his hang up my baby's dress to win her heart! :)

  2. So cute! It was great meeting you!
